The next key question to consider is whether a full heating solution is required or if more-effective zone control is the better solution in cases where heating is not necessary for part of the day. For example, in an office or home working environment where hybrid working is the norm – heating may only be required in occupied areas. Within a warehouse, operational zones within factory areas may vary throughout the day and for churches, congregational hours may only be a few hours a day. Typically we find that the response is consistent and full, targeted, zonal control is the overarching theme.
To calculate the best design scheme outcome, the following factors should be considered:
- Building Type and Usage (Occupancy)
- Design of Building
- Rate of Air Movement (Draughts or Winds)
- Temperature
- Size of Area to be Heated (m2/3)
The required output of the heater is influenced by the above factors. If you have a rough idea of area size and ceiling height, you can then find the volume of the space and position heaters accordingly in relation to your usage requirements.
Tansun can help you determine the best solution for your space via our bespoke design scheme service. We're on hand to assist with establishing the best course of action for your building space to help maximise heat delivery.